Holy Spirit 3 Day Miracle Prayer

by Sherrise

Pray this prayer daily for 3 consecutive days, your prayer will be answered after the third day. In making your request, promise to publish this prayer ( share in writing on the internet this prayer or distribute this prayer to others ).

Holy Spirit You who make me see everything and showed me the way to reach my ideals, You who gave me the Divine gift to forgive all the wrong that was done to me, and You who are in all instances in my my life. I want to Thank You for everything and confirm with you once more I never want to be separated from You no matter how great the material desire may be. I want to be with you and my loved ones in your perpetual Glory. Amen < Make request >

{I wanted to share my personal experience with this prayer. I was looking for a job after 2 years of absolutely no success. No returned phone calls, nothing. Finally in February of this year I came across this prayer. I prayed it and in 3 days, I did have an interview. However, I did not get the job. I was sad and confused and didn't understand. But I regained my strength and kept praying and putting my faith in God. Would you believe that 3 months later to the day, I got a new job. My dream job, everything that I asked the Lord for in my prayers. I didn't repeat the prayer again since February. I had just kept my regular prayers, but I did begin fasting every Friday. I wanted to share this because someone else has had or is having a similar experience and I want to encourage you NOT to give up before your miracle happens. Stay strong in Christ.}

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Jul 16, 2018
Miracles NEW
by: Anonykarenmous

OGreat Passion. O Deep Wounds O Blood Shed in Abundance. O Meekness O God of Meekness O cruel Death have mercy on me.and grant me my request if it be at my salvation ( say 9 times whilst making the sign of the cross each time and publish immediately

Feb 27, 2018
Holy Spirit 3 Day Miracle Prayer
by: Anonymous

Holy Spirit 3 Day Miracle Prayer

by Sherrise

Pray this prayer daily for 3 consecutive days, your prayer will be answered after the third day. In making your request, promise to publish this prayer ( share in writing on the internet this prayer or distribute this prayer to others ).

Holy Spirit You who make me see everything and showed me the way to reach my ideals, You who gave me the Divine gift to forgive all the wrong that was done to me, and You who are in all instances in my my life. I want to Thank You for everything and confirm with you once more I never want to be separated from You no matter how great the material desire may be. I want to be with you and my loved ones in your perpetual Glory. Amen < Make request >

Nov 29, 2017
Help my son
by: Anonymous

Holy Spirit please help my son to be more focus on finishing up his last year of school and help him with transition from his work and his projects to coming back as a full time student.Thank you in advance.

Nov 29, 2017
Thank you for my daughters job interview
by: Anonymous

Holy Spirit thank you for everything. Please help my daughter get this position she is applying for and please be @ her side on her second interview tomorrow.

Holy Spirit You who make me see everything and showed me the way to reach my ideals, You who gave me the Divine gift to forgive all the wrong that was done to me, and You who are in all instances in my my life. I want to Thank You for everything and confirm with you once more I never want to be separated from You no matter how great the material desire may be. I want to be with you and my loved ones in your perpetual Glory. Amen < Make request >

Nov 24, 2017
Estranged adult children
by: Anonymous

I pray so hard every day that my estranged children will be filled with your blessing and the hatred they have for me erased from their heart. My heart and soul are broken from this and I pray that our dear Lord and savior will hear my prayer and grant and mend my broken family.

In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Jun 27, 2017
3 day prayer
by: Anonymous

Pray this prayer daily for 3 consecutive days, your prayer will be answered after the third day. In making your request, promise to publish this prayer ( share in writing on the internet this prayer or distribute this prayer to others ).

Holy Spirit You who make me see everything and showed me the way to reach my ideals, You who gave me the Divine gift to forgive all the wrong that was done to me, and You who are in all instances in my my life. I want to Thank You for everything and confirm with you once more I never want to be separated from You no matter how great the material desire may be. I want to be with you and my loved ones in your perpetual Glory. Amen < Make request >

May 02, 2017
He Loves Me.
by: Jennifer

HOLY SPRIT, you who make me see everything and who shows me the way to reach my ideals. You who give me the divine gift to forgive and forget all that is gone to me. And you who are in all instances of my life with me. I, in this short dialogue, want to thank you for everything and affirm once more that I never want to be separated from you, no matter how great the material desires may be. I want to be with you and my loved ones on their perpetual glory. To that end and submitting to God's Holy Will, I ask from you... ( whatever your request may be.) This prayer should be said for three consecutive days , after the third day the request will be granted, "no matter how difficult it may be." Promise to publish the entire "dialogue " is a condition of having your request granted.

Mar 15, 2017
Please help me get a job
by: Anonymous

Dear Holy Spirit,

I have been for so many job interviews lately and not secured a job yet. I had an interview last week at a company I would really like to work for and is very local but I have nothheard back from them. Please grant me my request as I haven't working for some time now.

Mar 08, 2017
Thank you Holyspirit for your Miracle about my dady..
by: Moni

Holy Spirit You who make me see everything and showed me the way to reach my ideals, You who gave me the Divine gift to forgive all the wrong that was done to me, and You who are in all instances in my my life. I want to Thank You for everything and confirm with you once more I never want to be separated from You no matter how great the material desire may be. I want to be with you and my loved ones in your perpetual Glory. Amen < Make request >. Thank you Holyspirit for your miracle in my dad's matter. I really thank you from bottom of my heart in Jesus name. I will be your child. Bless my husband and family. I love u jesus..

Feb 19, 2017
Special prayer
by: S 41

i recited this prayer and like usuall no results.
I pray daily I'm a good person. I was put on earth to suffer.
It is Gods will I cannot change that.

Powerful prayer works immediately , to be said nine
consecutive times !
O great passion
I feel wounds
O Blood shed in abundance
O meekness
O cruel death
Have mercy on me and answer my request
Amen .
Please make the sign of the Cross each time you say

Feb 19, 2017
Thank you Holy Spirit
by: Jenny

Holy Spirit You who make me see everything and showed me the way to reach my ideals, You who gave me the Divine gift to forgive all the wrong that was done to me, and You who are in all instances in my my life. I want to Thank You for everything and confirm with you once more I never want to be separated from You no matter how great the material desire may be. I want to be with you and my loved ones in your perpetual Glory. Amen < Make request >

Nov 22, 2016
Plz fulfill my prayer
by: RK

Holy Spirit, you who makes me see everything and shows me the way to reach my ideal, you who gives me the divine gift to forgive and forget all the wrong that is done to me and you who are in all instances of my life with me. I, in this short dialogue, want to thank you for everything, and affirm once more that I never want to be separated from you no matter how great the material desires may be. I want to be with you and my loved ones in your perpetual glory. To that end and submitting to God's holy will, I ask from you..(mention your favour). Amen

Oct 19, 2016
Great Passion
by: ja

O Great Passion! O Deep Wounds!
O Blood Shed In Abundance!
O Meekness! O God of Meekness, O cruel death - Have Mercy on me and Grant my Request If it Be for my Salvation.

This Most Powerful prayer must be said for Urgent Help. After you have prayed. The prayer must be published (Initials).

Dear Jesus, Thank you for Everything.

Oct 17, 2016
by: Anonymous

Please Holy Spirit answer my prayers and let FT love me again please be with him in his battles Amen

May 04, 2016
Thank you Holyspirit for your timely help..
by: moni

Holy Spirit you make me see everything and showed me the way to reach my ideals,you who gave me the divine gift to forgive all the wrong that was done to me, and you who are in all instances in my life I want to thank you for everything and confirm with you once more I never want to be separated from you no matter how great the material desire may be.I want to be with you and my loved ones in your perpetual glory ..Amen
Holy Spirit You helped and answered my prayer.Thank you father from my bottom of my heart for your timely help.You helped my husband to get a job in hard times when he lost job..Praise the lord and bless my family..

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